A Theonomist on a Road Trip

There once was a man named Saul. This man was a Hebrew, he actually calls himself a Hebrew of Hebrews. (Phil. 3:5) He had a genealogy that proved it and he sat under one of the prominent teachers in Israel. (Acts 22:3) Saul was a very learned man, he was a Pharisee. As a Pharisee,Continue reading “A Theonomist on a Road Trip”

Charles Spurgeon on “small things not to be despised”

Woe unto that man who despises “the day of small things” in the Church of Christ, or who despises “the day of small things” in any individual believer, for it is God’s day, it is a day out of which great things will yet come; and therefore he that despises it really despises his Maker’sContinue reading “Charles Spurgeon on “small things not to be despised””

Matthew 5:5

This past week I have been listening to R.C. Sproul preach on the sermon on the mount and also reading through it with his preaching. Today I started to look more closely at Matthew 5:5 which states, “blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth.” Most Christians are familiar with this verse butContinue reading “Matthew 5:5”

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